Tag Archives: visual language
Some Mood Drawings
How do moods look? If you were to reduce them to their absolute basic essence, how would you depict them? What colors would you use? What kinds of shapes, if any? It seems that there is actually a very wide … Continue reading
Posted in Art, Intercontexting, Psychology
Tagged a mind is a wonderful thing to mess with in a creative manner, art, art experiment, color, color wash, colors and moods, colors of moods, creative, creative experiment, creative process, creativity, emotion, envisioned image, essence of mood, experiment, heart and mind, image, imagination, imagined image, inspiration, inspired image, intercontexting, intercontexting process, mind, mind experiment, mind game, mood, mood colors, mood depiction, mood drawings, mood essence, mood interpretation, mood paintings, mood pictures, pictures based on moods, psychology, psychology and art, visual depiction of emotion, visual depiction of feelings, visual depiction of moods, visual ideas, visual ideations, visual language