Tag Archives: visual language
In a Modish Mondrianesque Perspective (Scrolling Image)
I was looking at the images in This Post , This Post , and This Post , and decided to combine (“intercontext”) some of the concepts and image elements of those posts to form the following long, vertically scrolling image. … Continue reading →
Posted in Art, Intercontexting, Scrolling Images
Tagged art, art experiment, art made out of rectangles, art made out of squares, art made with primary colors, bird, bird in tree, combining art styles, combining concepts, combining contexts, combining different looking images, combining image contexts, computer art, concept, concept art, conceptual art, contemporary art, context, creative experiment, creative process, crossbreeding art styles, cubist Moody Stoplight, cubist stoplight, De Stijl, digital design, experimental art, geometric abstract painting design, graphic art, graphic design, iconographic, image, intercontexted art style, intercontexting, intercontexting process, intercontexting style, linear perspective, mind game, mind trip, mod, Mondrian, Mondrianesque, Moody Stoplight, moodystoplight, neo-plasticism, op art, palm tree, palm tree stoplight, palm tree traffic light, palm tree with bird, pastiche, pastiche of art styles, perspective, Piet Mondrian, post modern art, postmodern, recombining, scrolling image, stoplight, synthesis of art styles, tropical stoplight, tropical stoplight tree, tropical traffic light, visual language
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