Tag Archives: ekphrasis
Kiki and Bouba Meet in Style
Have you ever heard of the“Bouba – Kiki Effect” ? In experiments conducted by psychologist Wolfgang Kohler in 1929, subjects were shown two shapes – one was rounded and curvy looking, and the other was jagged and pointy looking. The … Continue reading
Posted in Art, Psychology
Tagged adding to a psychological experiment, adding to an experiment, art, art colors, art experiment, art form, art forms, art shapes, art styles, black star, Blub Fish, Bouba kiki, Bouba kiki effect, Bouba/kiki effect, Bouba/kiki experiment, cognitive dissonance, color, colors of moods, cross modalities, curvilinear art style, design, ekphrasis, emotion, emotion of colors, enigma, feminine colors, flower star, flower star pink, graphic design, heart chaser, jagged shape, Kohler, language and art, masculine colors, Mod Fish, Modfish, mood, names for jagged shapes, names for jagged shapes and round shapes, names for round shapes, names for shapes, naming shapes, pink star, polygonal art style, postmodern palm bird, psychological experiment, psychologist, psychology, psychology and art, psychology experiment, rectilinear art style, rounded shape, shape, shapes, star, starry seas, starry seas art designs, starryseas, Takete Baluba, visual depiction of emotion, Wolfgang Kohler
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