Tag Archives: ekphrasis
Waltzing to the Crossbreeding Cakewalk in Style (Scrolling Image)
I was looking at the images in This Post , where two long images in different styles were combined to make an “offspring” image… …and the notion came to mind to take the Offspring image and one of its Parents, … Continue reading →
Posted in Art, Intercontexting, Scrolling Images
Tagged art, art and music, art experiment, combining art styles, combining concepts, combining contexts, combining different looking images, combining image contexts, computer art, concept, conceptual art, contemporary art, context, creative experiment, creative process, cross interpretation of artistic mediums, cross modalities, crossbreeding art styles, De Stijl, design as music, design as music score, digital art, digital design, ekphrasis, experimental art, graphic art, graphic design, image, intercontexted art style, intercontexting, intercontexting process, intercontexting style, Mondrian, Mondrianesque, music, music as art, musical design, musical score, neo-plasticism, paintings of music, pastiche, pastiche of art styles, Piet Mondrian, post modern art, postmodern, recombining, scrolling image, spontaneous design, synaesthesia, synesthesia, synthesis of art styles, visual icons, visual ideas, visual language, visual representation of ideas, visual representation of music
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