Category Archives: Poems
The Little Vase
The Little Vase Way back in our childhood days simple things we’ve made in play – Molded out of earthly clay but lasting even to this day A little vase built to embrace a blossom in its special place – … Continue reading
Posted in Art, Poems, Reflections
Tagged art, art by request, art for mother, blossom, ceramic vase, childhood creations, childhood memories, clay vase, ekphrastic poetry, emotion, flower, flower art, flower painting, flower vase, little vase, love, memories, memories in clay, memories persist, mother, mother is emotionally attached to what her child created, mother likes what her child created, Mother's Day, object of emotion, object of sentiment, painting, painting by request, painting for mother, painting of flower, painting of flower vase, painting of rose, painting of vase with rose, pink vase, poem about little flower vase, poem for mother, poems based on pictures, poetry, rose, rose blossom, rose poem, sentiment, sentimental art, sentimental feelings, simple pleasures, special blossom, special vase, tenderheartedness, the memories live on, the memories live on to this day, the rose may fade, the rose may fade the memories live on, vase, white rose
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