Category Archives: Humor
Ghost Date! (Halloween Poem)
This is a “spookily” silly poem for Halloween: Ghost Date In the calendar on your wall there lurks a ghostly date It’s not October Thirty One but it marks your final fate You can find your day of birth and … Continue reading →
Posted in Art, Humor, Poems
Tagged art, black humor, cat with tombstone, dark humor, day i die, day of your death, day you die, death, death and dying, death date, death poem, death satire, dying date, ghost, ghost calendar, ghost coming out of tombstone, ghost date, ghost humor, ghost satire, goth humor, Halloween, Halloween cat, Halloween ghost, Halloween holiday, Halloween holiday poem, Halloween humor, Halloween joke, Halloween poem, Halloween poetry, Halloween satire, humor, picture of cat with tombstone, poem, poem about death, poetry, psychology, satire, satirizing death, silly poem about death, silly satire, silly spooky poetry, spookily silly, spookily silly poem, spooky poem, superstition, this will be the day that i die, tombstone, tombstone calendar, tombstone ghost
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