Category Archives: Humor
Traffic Triads in the Tropics (Scrolling Image)
I was looking at the pictures in This Post and This Post , and combined some of the image motifs together to make this long scrolling image, in which ideas and depictions from the Cubist art style, the traffic stoplight, … Continue reading →
Posted in Art, Humor, Scrolling Images
Tagged art, art experiment, art parody, artwork influenced by cubism, artwork influenced by Picasso, bird in tree, combining art styles, combining contexts, combining different looking images, combining graphic art and painterly art, combining hand drawn art with digital art, combining image contexts, computer art, concept, conceptual art, context, creative experiment, creative process, crossbred art styles, crossbreeding art styles, cubism, cubism and intercontexting, cubist Moody Stoplight, cubist stoplight, digital design, digital parody of Picasso painting, experiment, experimental art, expressionistic painting, graphic art, graphic design, humor, icon, iconographic, image, imagination, intercontexted art style, intercontexting, intercontexting art style, intercontexting process, intercontexting style, Moody Stoplight, moodystoplight, palm tree, palm tree stoplight, palm tree traffic light, palm tree traffic signal, palm tree with bird, parody of Picasso painting, pastiche, pastiche of art styles, post modern art, postmodern, recombining, satire, scrolling image, stoplight, synthesis of art styles, traffic triad, traffic triads in the tropics, triad, tropical stoplight, tropical stoplight tree, tropical traffic light, tropical traffic signal, visual language
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