Someone told Somebody
all about what SomeONE did…
and then Somebody told SomeBODY
all about what Someone said that SomeONE did commit
who turned around and told Another,
who then turned and told his Brother
all about what
Someone told Somebody
about what SomeONE did –
and so it went on down the line
falling like dominoes one at a time
until it got to SomeONE
who heard what he had “did”!
CONTEXTUAL NOTES: In this present online Internet era, gossip can spread virally – faster than a bunch of little birdies can twitter! Careful – like they say, “What Goes Around Comes Around”!
SEMANTICS AND SEMIOTICS: Who are Someone, SomeONE, Somebody, SomeBODY, etc, etc, etc???
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