Dreams: The Enigma of the Torch Composer

Towering Enigma Riddle

The Towering Enigma Riddle


Everybody dreams. Have you ever tried to write down accounts of your dreams? There was a time when I conducted a little “experiment of the mind”, where I would make it a point to try to write down what I could remember of the dreams that I had, shortly after awakening, while the memories were still fresh in my mind. After a while, I accumulated a number of written accounts of the dreams I had.

In this entry, I present accounts of a couple of dreams that I had on the night of November 27, 2009:

The Dreams:

Lighting the Torch

I was working with another fellow to try to get a tiki torch to work. He had filled the fuel reservoir partially, and I put the fuel cap, which was on the side of the conical metal container, back on. As we tried to position the torch on a pole, the fuel began to leak out, as the fuel cap had not been screwed on. Strange, I had put it on, but somehow the opening for the fuel container had changed position or something, and the fuel was coming out of the bottom of the reservoir, where you would expect the pole to be fastened. So we put the cap on that opening, and mounted the torch. The other person then lit the torch, which burned for a little while, before going out. There was indeed fuel in the container, although it was not full. We re-lit the torch repeatedly, and finally got it to burn steadily. The fuel that had been spilled earlier was still puddled on the ground, and we were standing right next to it. I was worried that the fumes or the spilled fuel might ignite; and then the fellow went and touched the burning torch to the puddle of fuel! I expected a big ball of fire to erupt from it, but it simply started burning in a rather gentle fashion, and the flame was only of moderate size. It stayed at one edge of the puddle of fuel, and I was expecting it to spread over at any moment. But as I watched, the flames continued to gently lick away on the edge of the fuel puddle. I don’t know if I woke up at that moment, but that is all I can recall of that dream at this time.

Towering Enigma Riddle

The Towering Enigma Riddle

The Enigmatic Keyboard

I was composing music on a keyboard; it was one of those electronic types with a lot of buttons and controls. It was located on a desk near a window in some kind of electronic lab or something. I don’t remember whether it was connected to a computer, but it may have been. I was composing by playing the music on the keyboard, which would then go into the memory of the keyboard or the computer, and I was happy about what was being composed. Then I remember trying to sort out a lot of wires and electronic circuit boards that had somehow been placed on the keyboard that I was working with. I kept taking away the these unnecessary circuit parts until I reached what I thought was the bottom of the pile of clutter, but when I got down to it, there was only a small little keyboard with a few mini sized keys on it. I was rather surprised – wasn’t I originally working on an instrument with full-sized keys? I may have pressed on the keys of the little keyboard for a short time, but may then have thought that the full sized keyboard was under the little one. The next thing I remember is that an important component that was needed for composing had somehow slipped down behind some furniture or shelving next to the keyboard that I had been working on. I stood up to try to reach behind the furniture a little in order to retrieve the component, but could tell that it was well out of reach. I felt frustrated that I would have to try to find a way to get the component out of the place it had fallen.

I don’t know if I woke up at that point, but that is all I seem to remember from that dream…

Enigmatic Pianos

Enigmatic Pianos in Discourse

Bonus Image:

When I was looking at this image…

Towering Enigma Riddle

The Towering Enigma Riddle

…the notion popped into my mind that it somehow looked like “someone”, so I made up this image (Can you see “someone” in the image?):


The Riddle of the Status Conscious Towering Enigma

By the way, the image is meant to be a spoof of an image in an earlier post

NOTES: As on most nights, I actually had a number of dreams on the aforementioned night, but these are the ones that I was able to remember most clearly. I also do not know which one actually came earlier, so I just presented the accounts in the order that I wrote them.

PSYCHOLOGICAL NOTES: I continue to wonder if dreams are a way that the “subconscious mind” vents frustrations that the person may be feeling in their “real world” pursuits. I don’t remember doing anything involving tiki torches in the recent or even moderate past, but it’s true that I had been playing a keyboard and trying to come up with ideas for songs the evening before I had the keyboard dream. So there may have been some connection between the “real world” and the dream. And of course, composing a song does pose its challenges. You come up with “pieces of ideas” for the melody and the lyrics, but then are left to “fill in the missing parts”, so to speak. And this part can get a bit frustrating at times. Again, I can’t definitively say that such is the “meaning” contained within that dream, but then again, I can’t help but feel that there is somehow a connection there. It’s sort of an odd and interesting feeling, where you feel that it could somehow contain a meaning in a certain direction, but then again, maybe not. Maybe there could be a word for that feeling, just as there is a word for a certain feeling called “Deja Vu”.

OTHER NOTES: When I was preparing to post this entry, the idea for the “Bonus Image” above just happened to pop into my mind, and so I used computer graphics to produce the image.

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